Herkaus Manto Str. 84, LT-92294 Klaipėda
Tel.: +370 46 398 891
Fax: +370 46 398 999
E-mail: leidykla@ku.lt
Internet site https://www.ku.lt/leidykla/
Klaipeda University Press, a member of the Lithuanian Academic Publishers Association, was established in 1992 and has hitherto published over 2,900 titles. We publish monographs, scientific journals, conference proceedings, textbooks, teaching aids for students, scores, and information and commemorative publications for KU and its subdivisions.
The KUP took part in Frankfurt (2002) and Göteborg (2005) book fairs and has been a regular participant of annual book fairs in Vilnius.
In 2010, the KUP was awarded a national diploma for the design of K. Jokubavičiene’s book Tarp atėjimo ir išėjimo. Algis Kliševičius (Between Coming and Leaving. Algis Kliševičius). In the competition for the title of the most beautiful and popular book of the city of Klaipeda, scientific journal Archaeologia Baltica was recognized as the most beautiful book in 2007, while Lenkijos pilietinių karų istorija (A History of Polish Civil Wars) by A. Vimina was recognized as the most beautiful, and Kareivinės, tapusios Klaipėdos universitetu (Barracks that Turned into Klaipeda University), compiled by dr. V. Safronovas, as the most popular book in 2013, V. Jokubauskas Mažųjų kariuomenių“ galia ir paramilitarizmas: tarpukario Lietuvos atvejis“ as the most popular book in 2014.
Internet site for scientific journals https://e-journals.ku.lt/journals
You can order our books:
Phone: (+370) 46 398997
e-mail: alfonsas.jankantas@ku.lt
Our books You can buy via Internet:
Head Lolita Zemlienė
phone +370 46 398891
e-mail: leidykla@ku.lt
Vice-Director Alfonsas Jankantas
Roma Nikžentaitienė (Lithuanian language)
Vilma Urbonavičiūtė (Lithuanian language)
Joseph A. Everatt (English language)
Valdemaras Puodžiūnas (Lithuanian language, documents)
Eglė Dučinskienė
Karolis Saukantas